
State of the Vaygrim – MAY 2022

Back in the distant land of 2019, before life got complicated by a global pandemic, I officially gave up on YouTube and moved over to Twitch as a ‘Full Time Streamer’. I did my darnedest to stick to a fairly full and regular schedule while trying to vary my content so as to appease a broader audience. It is now May of 2022, and I think it is time to face the proverbial music.

I am tapping out. I’m done.

I am not completely quitting streaming, I’m just not pursuing it as a “professional vocation” anymore. I’ll still be gaming, just like I always do, and helping to run and maintain The League of Ordinary Gamers … just don’t expect regular weeknight streams from me anymore. For months now I’ve been streaming to empty rooms, with the only viewers being the other people in my Discord Channel that I’m gaming with. Twitch has been flooded with millions of new streamers ever since the Pandemic hit and there is just too much competition now.

Fret not, I’ll still be around and just as irascible as ever, sharing some game that I’m playing in a voice channel on the TLOG Discord. So I am not wandering off into the sunset to vanish forever.

Don’t be a stranger. I’ll catch you in game.


What’s Going On

July / August 2020 – Current Projects

Hello everyone! As we near the end of July 2020, I wanted to put a quick post up here on the ol’ website letting you know what has been going on, and what current things I’ve got pending:

  • Audiobook Projects Currently on hold until my Doctor’s offices open back up for outpatient sinus surgery. I have been very fortunate to have my Audiobook project author be incredibly understanding regarding this entire debacle, so I count myself blessed on this front.
  • Twitch Streaming Still going strong streaming Monday thru Friday, 6pm Texas Time every weekday @
  • Current Games Still on the Fallout 76 train, tho slightly less often these days. Also playing Elite: Dangerous, Darksiders Genesis, Final Fantasy 9, and ARK Survival Evolved.
  • Planned Upcoming Games 1st of August I will be turning my Final Fantasy XIV Online subscription. I’ve been feeling the MMORPG itch as of late and the last thing I want to do is give Blizzard any more money.

COVID-19 has not been kind to the state of Texas, but despite this the wife and I have been bunkering down & taking every single precaution possible when dealing with the outside world. We are both high risk cases, and we are taking this entire event very seriously.

Lastly, I’ve got a Merch Store up & running over at StreamElements, adding new designs every week. When you’ve got a spare moment, go take a quick gander and see if anything strikes your fancy. If there is a design that you’d love to see on an XXL Gaming Mouse Pad or Mug, feel free to ping me on Twitter or Discord with the request.

I hope all of you wonderful friends, supporters, viewers, and community members are doing okay and pulling thru this crazy last few months. Stay strong, stay in touch; I can’t do any of this without all of you!


Fallout 76 Wastelanders Perk Builds

The “Wastelanders” update for Fallout 76 is out, and it’s time I actually put some documentation out for the primary Perk loadouts I have been using. I am primarily a Power Armor user, with hard hitting melee and heavy guns for my chosen weapons. Most of my main perk selections will reflect that.

MELEE Melee weapons centric build, with a dash of things like “Gunsmith” & “Bear Arms” when falling back on a heavy gun is required but Perk swapping time isn’t available. “Pain Train” gets used for quick stuns & target interceptions. Optionally swap out “Tenderizer” for “Friendly Fire” when NPC Healing is needed.

HEAVY GUNNERAggressive Offensive Heavy Guns loadout. Designed for higher damage output with minimal regard for incoming damage. “Grenadier” boosts the blast radius of any explosives or explosive weapons used. “Stabilized” increases heavy gun viability while using “Tenderizer” to ensure other allies to increased damage as well.

DEFENSIVE GUNNERUsed in longer fights or against more difficult foes. “Bullet Shield” & “Ricochet” boost survival at the cost of damage output, while “Field Surgeon” raises Stimpack effectiveness.

STEALTHThis build is new since obtaining the “Chinese Stealth Suit” from Wastelanders Storyline Quests. Used primarily in lower level areas, when wanting to save some Fusion Cores.

CAMPER Designed entirely with the ideal of minimizing food spoilage while maximizing Camp / Workshop benefits, this is the default setup used while working at my “Camp” or idling at a Workshop.

“OTHER” BUILDS – There are several other extremely purpose specific builds that I have in addition to the ones listed above. One loadout each for the crafting and maintenance of Guns, Melee Weapons, Power Armor, and Standard Armor. I also have a “Demolitions / Chemist” build for explosives and general Chemistry Bench work. There is also a “WorkshopTank” setup, but that is just my “MELEE” build with some Workshop Building specific Perks swapped in under Intellegence & Agility.


  • All of my “Crafting & Maintenance” perk setups make use of the “Super Duper” Luck Perk. Get it, max it, use it… it can save you tons in crafting materials.
  • “Friendly Fire” under Charisma has become incredibly useful when used in combination with a Shishkebob fire sword. This setup requires zero ammo to heal a friendly NPC, only swings of the Shishkebob.
  • Every perk setup I use when doing general survival adventuring makes use of the Charisma perk “Travel Agent”. It is incredibly useful and has saved me thousands of Caps in travel costs over the course of the game.
  • Agility Perk “Born Survivor” can save your bacon several times over the course of a tough fight. Even when using “Cola Nut” for primary healing I still keep a few Stimpacks in my back pocket to fuel “Born Survivor”.

If you are a Fallout 76 player reading this, and some part of it doesn’t make sense… feel free to ping me either on Twitter or Discord.


New Office Timetable

The beginning of February was marked as the time I was going to move into a new office space here at the house. This was going to afford me a more ‘dedicated workspace’, and make it easier to get quiet time for recording audiobook narrations. The timetable for this move has, unfortunately, had to be bumped back a month or two due to financial constraints in other aspects of life.

That being said, this means when the new office move happens things will be a bit cleaner and more finalized. So… stay tuned for more news updates. Hopefully March can make this move happen.


“Dragon: A Histories of Purga Novel”

It is finally here! My very first audio book as Narrator & Producer has been released on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. “Dragon: A Histories of Purga Novel” by Rustin Petrae is now live and available.

If you are someone that has been thinking of signing up for an Audible Listener membership, please consider using the links below. Thanks!

US –

UK –

France –

Germany –

This project may seem small but it is a very big deal for me personally. This is a first step in a new career, a new change in my life that brings possibility for greater financial stability long term. Also being able to search for your own name on Amazon or Audible and having search results come up? Kinda neat!


NEWS: PC Troubles (again)

A little over a month ago I had a random issue start up where my computer would spontaneously reboot when playing games. I could surf the web or twitter all day, but games caused my system to flip out. This got resolved by swapping out the PSU. Zero issues since.

Until this morning, that is. As of this morning, the exact same thing is happening again… forcing me to reassess the original diagnosis for the problem. Considering this, there is a distinct possibility that the original problem was “two part” and the other half of it was my motherboard. If this is the case, I am going to need a full swap out of motherboard and CPU and Memory as my current versions of all of those are more than 5 years old and no longer one-to-one replaceable.

This means that I am going to be unable to game or stream for a month or more while I get the funds together to buy the replacement parts. Do not fret, I’ll still be on the Discord as well as social media. So feel free to come say hello!

I will post updates here on the website as information comes in, stay tuned.



It has been a hot minute since I have had a hosted website, much less one with WordPress. I am returning to the land of website-enabled persons, and can resume posting content. My “Vaygrim Vision” sub-site ( is now backup and being self-hosted. Huge shoutout to SAPHRYM for keeping the site alive while I was between hosts.